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>> 7. Epidemics and Disinfected Mail

Disinfected letter from Danzig to Tiegenhoff, details of which are shown on previous page. The Type II handstamp, within a 27 mm wide x 22.7 mm high oval is red, although they are sometimes found in black. This is a two-line cancel: SANITAETS/STEMPEL. The black Nierenstempel (kidney cancel) is dated 25.8.31. These so—called Cholera—Briefen were known to be treated until October, 1831. The light gray paper is the same watermarked variety described on Pages 4 & 5 of Danzig Report No. 58.


Danzig Report  Nr. 60 - July - August - September - 1988, Page 12.

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Added: 26/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
