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1. Sandrik, Wm. A. ”Disinfected Mail.” American Philatelist 1986 April : 334—48.
2. Van der Linden, James.”Desinifected Mail from Russia by Prussian Border Offices.”Germania 1981 June; 17(3): 133-37.
3. Meyer, K.F. ”Desinfected Mail.” The Gossip Printery, Inc. 1962
4. “Prussian-Cholera Jahr 1831” 321 Rundbrief Deutscher Altbriefsammlerverein (date unknown).

8. Miscellaneous

1. Returning to the question on Page 7 (legitimate cancel on a 1923 stamp in 1921), could the answer be in Hasselhoff - Arge 1977 cancel book, Freie Stadt Danzig 1920-39, Page 5?
2. The enscripted word on Page 6 could well be Hypothekensache or “mortgage (deed) matter”, related to our “hypothetical” mortgage loan, which is close. Note the frequency of this word in the official documents that have been illustrated.
3. Don’t be fooled by the red Zustellungs—Urktjnde “handstamp” at the top of the cover page. It is a type-face known as “Futura” and it almost perfectly matches the old German handstamps of the 1920’s and 1930’s. What is of concern is how easy it would be to call up the font and to reproduce it on a cover, adding to the “value”. This cancel was printed on a desk-top Merlin type—maker in one minute.
4. Finally, the Danzig Folio shows a class of Danzig school girls visiting the Rathaus just before the outbreak of war.


Danzig Report  Nr. 60 - July - August - September - 1988, Page 14.

Hits: 2587

Added: 26/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
