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The following flights on 1.6.1926 were distinguished by gummed labels
1) Danzig - Stoip, the colour of the gummed label is lilac, and there is a red two line forwarding endorsement handstamp
“Mit Luftpost befördert Postamt Stoip (Pomm.)”
2) Danzig - Marienburg, the colour of the gummed label is red, and there is a red boxed forwarding endorsement handstamp
“Mit Luftpost befördert Postamt Marienburg (Wpr.) 2”
3) Danzig — Allenstein, the colour of the gummed label is yellow, and there is a boxed forwarding endorsement handstamp
“Mit Luftpost befördert Luftpostamt Allenstein’

The corresponding return flights to Danzig were treated in the same way as above. Thus there are found on the return flights on 2.6.1926

1) Marienburg - Danzig, a light green gummed label
2) Allenstein — Danzig, a lilac gummed label
3) Stolp - Danzig, a white gummed label.

These flights to Danzig are found with the Danzig forwarding endorsement handstamp Type 1 (with full stop after the 5).

On the occasion of the addition of Elbing to the range of landing places afirst-flight distinguishing mark as described above was produced by the same firm : “1. Flug (Eroffnungsflug) Elbing - Danzigam 5.7.1926”

The colour of the gummed label is yellow. The sendings were furnished with the same forwarding endorsement handstamps in Danzig as before. The return flight Danzig — Elbing on 6.7.1926 was distinguished by the use of a red gummed label. On arrival in Elbing the sendings received the red boxed forwarding endorsement handstamp ‘Mit Luftpost befö.rdert Luftpostamt Elbing”

The addition of Tilsit to the range of airports flown to, came at an even earlier time. Here appeared the first sign of the above described gummed label, with of course in this case the legend “Danzig — Tilsit” and the date “20.4.1926”. This label was lilac in colour.

There must surely be also a gummed label for the other direction but this has not hitherto been seen. Moreover there is a first-day cover from Insterburg to Danzig on 2.7.1928, which flight was extended to Königsberg before going on back to Insterburg.

First flights to Danzig are also of interest. There are for example covers from the following first flights
1) First flight Amsterdam — Danzig as a part of the route from Amsterdam to Riga on 18.1.1930. The departure handstamp is “Conference de la


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 63 - April - May - June - 1989, Page 19.

Hits: 2201

Added: 27/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
