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Gallery » Danzig Report 64 - July, August, September 1989 » Briefmarkeh-Austellung 1929



Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

July Aug. Sept. 1989, No 64

Briefmarkeh-Austellung 1929

The Internationale Briefmarken Austellung was an exposition held in Danzig from the 7th through the 14th of July, 1929. It could be considered a warmup for the bigger Luposta event of 1932, but it didn’t include the fancy catalogs, balloon cards, and other amenities of that exposition. (Neither were there fly—overs by the Graf Zeppelin, which was preoccupied with engine troubles in its Bodensee hangar that summer.) A special issue of stamps, illustrating Neptune’s Fountain and an Artushof window in the background, commemorated the event. These are listed as Michel 217 (10+10 Pfg, green/black), 218 (15+15 Pfg, carmine/black) and 219 (25+25 Pfg, with Type a. ultramarine; Type gray-blue/black; Type indigo/black). There were 100,000 sets printed in Berlin, and the issue was valid until the 31st of August, 1929. The stamps of this set


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 64 - July - August - September - 1989, Page 1.

Hits: 2571

Added: 27/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
