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Gallery » Danzig Report 64 - July, August, September 1989 » Luftpost von und nach Danzig - Part II


2) A Baltic Sea round trip with mail drop over Bornholm (handstamped Renne)
3) The return flight from Danzig to Friedrichshafen.

On all three flights there was carried not only mail with Danzig and German frankings., but also those from many countries. This applies particularly to the flight to Danzig and relates to letters from. Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Austria, Greece, the Sear, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Iceland and Yugoslavia. Participation from abroad on the other two flights was less extensive.

Luftpost von und nach Danzig - Part II


Having dealt in Part 1 with general airmail to and from Danzig, Part 2 is concerned with the specialised airmail subjects of Zeppelins, airmail by catapulted aeroplanes or “catapult flights” to end from the steamers “Bremen” and “Europa” as well as flights to the steamer “Columbus” and finally flights by the flying boat Do X.

Furthermore airmail of the Polish Post Office in Danzig will be discussed along with their first flights from Danzig and their involvement with Zeppelin flights.

In this way this Part covers those specia]ised areas of airmail which not only interest the airmail collector, but also, for example, the general Zeppelin collector. In the same way catapult flight airmail is an area very much sought after by the general collector. Moreover the Polar region mail collector would be interested on account of the Zeppelin Polar trip. Flights from the Polish Post Office are of interest to the collector of Poland.

Part 2 deals with things which are collected avidly not just in Germany, nor even in Europe, but also overseas and especially in the USA. It goes without saying that this Part deals with flights that are in great demand, and which therefore command high prices, especially as for many of these flights it can be shown from official statistics that the number of forwarded sendings was very low indeed.

This booklet is a small guide to the above mentioned areas, but it cannot be a catalogue giving up to date prices. Hopefully it will be received with good wishes.

Curt Michaelis


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 64 - July - August - September - 1989, Page 7.

Hits: 2744

Added: 27/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
