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90      238    Flight to the World Fair in Chicago (50th ocean crossing) 14 October — 2 November. This flight was a round trip Europe-Brazil-Chicago_Europe.
Out of this arises mail
a) to Brazil         b) to Akron.
c) to Chicago    d) for the round trip.

Zeppelin mail 1934

91      246    Flight to Germany 15 - 20 May. S/HS
92      247    1st flight -to South America 26 May — 5 June.
93      250    2nd flight to South America 9 — 19 June.
94      254    Flight to Argentina 23 June — 6 July. SillS
95      259    Flight to Switzerland 10 July. S/HS
96      260    4th flight to South America 21 — 31 July.
97      265    5th flight to South America 4 — 14 August.
98      268    6th flight to South America 18 — 28 August.
99      271    7th flight to South America 1 — 11 September.
100    274    8th flight to South America 15 - 25 September.
101    277    9th flight to South America 29 September — 9 October.
102    280    10th flight to South America 13 - 23 October.
103     283    11th flight to South America 27 October — 6 November.
104     286    Christmas flight 8 — 19 December. S/HS

There were no special handstamps for these particular South American flights, but the general forwarding endorsement handstampg “Deutsche Luftpost Europa - Sidamerjka” were used instead, but of these only those with the distinguishing letters:a,b and c are found. Each South American flight, apart from the flight to Argentina and the Christmas flight, is thus only distinguished by its date. The lack of special handstamps reduced the interest of collectors in these flights, and so non-philateljc mail predominated. Covers from these flights are however comparatively scarce.

Zeppelin mail 1935
105      290    1st flight to South America 6 — 16 April.
106      293    2nd flight to South America 20 April. — 1 May.
107      296    3rd flight to South America 4 — 14 May.
108      299    4th flight to South America 19 — 28 May.
109      302    5th flight to South America 1 - 11 June.
110      305    6th flight to South America 15 — 25 July.
111      308    7th flight to South America 29 June — 9 July.
112      311    8th flight to South America 15 — 25 July.
113      313    9th flight to South America 29 July — 7 August.
114      315    10th flight to South America 13 — 22 August.
115      317    11th flight to South America 27 August — 5 September.
116      319     12th flight to South America 9 — 18 September..
117       322    13th flight to South America 23 September — 2 October.
118       324    14th flight to South America 7 — 16 October.
119      326      15th flight to South America 23 October — 4 November.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 64 - July - August - September - 1989, Page 18.

Hits: 2465

Added: 28/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
