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Gallery » Danzig Report 64 - July, August, September 1989 » Zeppelin mail 1937 , 1938, 1939


154      447     20th flight to South America 25 November — 7 December.

The general forwarding endorsement handstamps “Deutsche - Luftpost Europa — Nordamerika” were used for the 1st to the 5th North American flights. Mail from Danzig mostly comes with the distinguishing letters a or b on these. although the letter e is also possible. For the 1st postal flight (serial no. 136) of LZ 129 a red on board handstamp in an oval frame with. the legend “Mit Luftschiff LZ 129 befördert”was used as a forwarding endorsement handstamp.

Zeppelin mail 1937
155      380     2nd flight to South America 13 — 25 April.
156     382      3rd flight to South America 27 April — 8 May.
Both the above flights were by the airship LZ 127.
157     450     1st flight to South America 16 —. 27 March.
158     454     Flight to Germany 1 May. S/HS

[453] Flight, serial no.157, was made by airship LZ 129. Flight, serial no.158, was cancelled. Mail that was meant to have been delivered on this flight was carried on the next one (serial no.159). This mail was then dropped over Cologne on 3 May, after having been identified with a handstamp giving the relevant details.

159     454 1st flight to North America 3 May.

This was the disastrous flight of the airship “Hindenburg” that ended with its complete destruction by fire on. landing at Lakehurst on 6 May 1937. The likelihood that any mail from Danzig was saved is extremely small especially as only 133 pieces of mail were rescued of which the great majority was “on board” mail. Further flights even of LZ 127 were immediately halted.

Zeppelin mail 1938
160     456 The Sudetenland 2 - 3 December S/HS

Zeppelin mail 1939
161      457      Flight to Leipzig 9 July. • . S/HS
162      458      Flight to Görlitz 16 — 17 July. . S/HS
163      459      Flight to Bielefeld 22 — 23 July. . S/HS
164      460       Flight to Cassel 30 July. S/HS
165       461      Flight to Wirzburg 6 August. . • S/HS
166       462      Flight to Eger [Cheb] 13 August. S/HS
167       463       Flight to Essen 20 August. S/HS
169        464       Flight to Königsberg 26 August. S/HS

[168 This last flight was not able to continue because of the imminent outbreak of war. A special supplementary hancistamp provided notification of the cancellation and subsequent transmission of mail by rail.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 64 - July - August - September - 1989, Page 20.

Hits: 2285

Added: 28/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
