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he two attached copies may add something more to the “Expedite” Labels article. On the cover sent from Tallinn (Estonia) the addressee refused to pay the express delivery fee (see the manuscript endorsement on the back: Portozahlung verweigert, or due payment refused). The item was then returned to Danzig Oliva Post Office for delivery on the next postman’s round. A postage due stamp was then affixed (tied to the exped ite label by the DANZIG OLIVA cancel), to be cancelled with the two strikes of the purple Enti. Oliva (Entlastung = Discharge] circular handstamp and both the postage due stamp and notation have been crossed out. A good deal of extra work was involved in pursuit of that 4OPfg!
The cover from Sweden is included simply to illustrate the late usage date of 6 July 1937. It seems that on this cover, the express del ivery fee was paid as requested. On the back of the envelope there is also a crossed—out manuscript endorsement reading Zustellung [delivery].


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 87 - April - May - June - 1995, Page 25.

Hits: 2407

Added: 11/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
