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Gallery » Danzig Report 90 - January, February, March 1996 » New Tool for Revenue Stamp Collectors


New Tool for Revenue Stamp Collectors
Erler/Norton: 1995 Catalogue of the Adhesive Revenue Stamps of Germany - Volume 5 Supplementary Volume: Danzig, Memel, Upper Silesia. Published by ORA-VERLAG, Postfach 6, D—82057, ICKING, Germany Price: DM24. Available from the publisher or philatelic literature dealers.

Martin Erler’s invaluable catalogues and handbooks published over the last twenty-five years now cover the revenue stamped papers, adhesive stamps and social insurance stamps of Germany, from the old states up to the present day, as well as revenues of Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Russia and Lichtenstein, in over 30 volumes. During that period, new finds and information have necessitated revisions to some volumes. One such revision recently completed is to Volume 5 of the series on the adhesive revenue stamps of Germany, which covers mainly Danzig, as well as Memel and Upper Silesia. Indeed, the new catalogue was just printed and ready for distribution when a considerable find of previously unknown documentary stamps of Danzig was made, making it necessary to revise certain sections further. The amended listings have been made the subject of a supplementary volume which should be read in conjunction with the main volume 5.

Despite the recent finds of new material, the revenue stamps of Danzig particularly are either very scarse indeed or simply unobtainable! Auction and dealers’ prices have risen sharply since the first edition of the catalogue was published in 1980, and these are reflected in the new, much expanded edition. There are now listed over 1,300 different adhesive revenue stamps of the Free State of Danzig (many being overprinted German stamps), not counting the many perforation, color and watermark variations of which there are hundreds. This all contrasts with the relatively straightforward (!) acquisition of the postage stamps of Danzig and Port Gdatlsk which number less than 600 basic stamps. The specialist collector can, of course, extend a postal or revenue collection of Danzig to include stamps and prea dhesive material used in Danzig before and after the 1920-1939 Free State period.

Typically of all of Herr Erler’s catalogues, this latest volume is laid out clearly and logically, with details in German and English and with many full-sized black-and-white illustrat ions. The catalogue values of stamps which may occasionally become available are shown in U.S. dollars as minimum prices; others are left unpriced as they are not to be found on the market at present.

Herr Erler’s catalogues are truly an indefatigable labour of love and are indispensible for the revenue collector of the central and eastern European areas.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 90 - January - February - March - 1996,  Page 20.

Hits: 2424

Added: 12/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
