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Gallery » 1998 - March - December » Handoverprinted Postal Stationery

German Postal Specialist 1998.

The Handoverprint Study Group, page 226.
by Gerard J. de Boer.
17 Days in the Summer of 1948, page 230.
by George R. Lenz.
Almost 50 Years of the HOP Study Group, age 242.
by Frank J. Berger.
Handoverprinted Postal Stationery, page 246.
by Gerard J. de Boer.
Handoverprints - the City of Magdeburg, page 254.
by Larry Albertson.
A Unique Piece of HOP Postal History, page 264.
by James Busse.
Lottery Covers from District 14, page 268.
by Larry Albertson.
HOP 'Gems'in North America, pge 276.
by George R. Lenz.
How to Collect Handoverprints, pge 290.
by James Busse.
Confessions of a New Russian Zone Hndoverprint (HOP) Addict, page 303.
by Wesley Trimble.

- Departments;
G.P.S. Chapters, page 224.
G.P.S. Nachrichten, page 225.
G.P.S. Study Groups, page 225.
Adlets, page 311.
Secretary's Membership Report, page 313.

Hits: 3224

Added: 31/10/2008
Copyright: 2024
