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Gallery » Danzig Report 110 - January, February, March 2001 » Polish Post Office on the Langer Markt


Karol Leonard de Biberstein, who was also general-postmaster ftr the Crown lands and the Kingdom ofLithuania. This was a very big responsibility for one person, which is why the office of Gdamsk was taken by Jan (Antoni) Arciszzewski, who held this post until 1793

Atler the second partition of Poland, the Royal Post iii Gdansk was liquidated, and the building was taken up by the Prussian post in the first half ofthe 19th century, in the building in which the chemist’s Rada Miasta (Town Council) was seated, which remained there until 1945. During the Last war, the building was completely destroyed. Reconstruction was done between 1950 and 1952

The BOOK Sladami Gdanskich Zobytkow
Hanna Dornanska cornpiTed a convenient cross-section of rebuilt Gdansk buildings that are familiar to all colkctors. They are illustrated with sketches by Anna Bicrnat and published in 1987 Even ifyou can’t read Polish, YOU will thoroughly enjoy Biernat’s illustrations Thequestion for you collectors out there Can you supply an example of mail that was processed at this location on the Langenmarkt, two doors east of the Golden House9 Mail from this period appears to be quite scarce.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 110 - January - February - March - 2001, Page 12.

Hits: 2304

Added: 29/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
