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Gallery » Danzig The Germania Burelage Issue » The Germania Burelage Issue, Danzig

Danzig The Germania Burelage Issue.

Greenish-grey burelage Points DOWN, Greenish-grey burelage Points DOWN
Plate fault showing upper cap of "G" of DANZIG broken off, from position 20 on plate 2.

Lilac-grey burelage Points UP
Plate fault showing stroke at left between top and foot of "1" on left 1¼, from position 7 on plate 1.

Lilac-grey burelage Points UP
Lilac-grey burelage Points UP
Lilac-grey burelage Points DOWN Cancel: DANZIG 1t 21.12.20.
The 1¼ M burgundy overprint on 3 (Pf) brown with plate fault "Split 'i' in Danzig". From plate 2, position 96.

1¼ M burgundy overprint on 3 (Pf) brown with greenish-grey burelage with points UP in a margin block of four with overprint shifted down 4 mm, showing the HAN number (Haus-Auftrags-Nummer, the order number given to the printer.).

Varieties of the 1¼ M burgundy on 3 (Pf) yellowish-brown issue.

Hits: 3245

Added: 20/03/2011
Copyright: 2024
