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Gallery » Danzig The Germania Burelage Issue » Free City Danzig - Burelage Issue

The Germania Burelage Issue; Free City Danzig.

18. January, 1921.
200 Mark value letter from Danzig to Hamburg Germany.
Cover is franked with a 2 Mark stamp from the burelage issue (greenish-grey burelage, points UP) and a single 10 (Pf) value from an earlier issue. The postal rate from May 6, 1920 applies for a 38 gm letter and was as follows:
Postal rate: - - - - - - .60 Mk
Registration: - - - - - .50 Mk
Insurance: - - - - - - - 1.0 Mk
Cover is cancelled with a DANZIG 1x cancel on 18.1.20 1-2N and is backstamped with a receiving cancel from Hamburg 1 post office on 21.1.21. 12-1V.

Hits: 2751

Added: 20/03/2011
Copyright: 2024
