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Gallery » Danzig Report 48 - July, August, September 1985 » Birthplaces and Residences of Famous Danzigers

Birthplaces and Residences of Famous Danzigers
Daniel Chodowiecki, engraver, born 16th October 1766: Heilige Geistgasse 54. Arthur Schopenhauer, world famed philosopher, born 22nd February 1788: Heilige Geistgasse 114. Johanna Schopenhauer, novellist, mother of above philosopher, born 1766: Heilige Geistgasse 81. Johannes Trojan, Humouristic writer, born 14 th August 1837, Hundegasse 101. Joseph von Eichendorif, Romantic Writer, lived in Danzig: Brotbünkengasse 43.Robert Reinick, Painter and Poet, born 22 nd February 1805: Brotbänkengasse 45. Joh. Daniel Falk, Philanthropist, author of the ChristmasHymn: ,.O du fröliliche”, born 26th October 1768: Lastadie 19. Jõhann Hevelius, Astronomer, born 28 th January 1611, died 28 th January 1687: Pfefferstadt 53. Gabriel D. Fahrenheit, inventor of thermometer, 1686--1736.

Hotels in Danzig, Oliva and Zoppot.
Hotel Carlton, Deutselies Hans, Danzig. Flolztinarkt 12/14. Hotel Central, L)arizig, Pfefferstadt 79. Hotel Daoziger Hof, Danzig, Domiiiikswall 6. Hotel Norddeutscher Hof. l)anzig, Stadtgraben Il. Hotel Reichshof, Danzig, Stadtgrabcii 9 b. Hotel Vanselow, Danzig, Hciimarkt 3. Hotel Deutscher Hof, Mascotte, Oliva. Bahnlinfstraße î.. Kur- und Logierhaus, Zoppot.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 48 - July - August - September - 1985, Page 42.

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Added: 17/06/2015
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