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Gallery » Danzig Report 70 - January, February, March 1991 » DANZIG REVENUE STAMPS: 1875-1926


An Update by Giles du Boulay

1. Introduction
1.1 Danzig Revenue stamps are extremely scarce and their collection and study is therefore a slow and painstaking business, but in spite of or perhaps because of this, it is very rewarding all the Same. The excellent and comprehensive ERLER-NORTON catalogue of the adhesive Revenue stamps of Germany is the main source of information on Danzig Revenues. The Foreword and Notes to the catalogue mention that new information is always welcome in order to update the catalogue. and the selection of Danzig Revenues from my collection described and illustrated here includes several items not currently catalogued.

1.2 These few pages are being offered to the DANZIG STUDY AND RESEARCH GROUP AMERICAN REVENUE ASSOCIATION for inclusion in their journals; also being sent to Martin Erler so that if he wishes he may the new items into his catalogue.

1.3 I also include details of some associated “odds and ends” for interest and in the hope of receiving more information from readers.

2.Descriptions and illustrations
2.1 Where applicable descriptions and layout follow the HILER-NORTON stamps illustrated are from my collection. ERLER-NORTON are quoted below illustrations were appropriate.

2.2 The abbreviations “P” and “W” stand for “Perforation” and “Watermark”respectively. Watermark types are usually the same as those found oncontemporaneous Postage stamps of Germany and Danzig.

2.3 The Revenues described or illustrated are not meant to represent anycompleteness of issue - as mentioned, Danzig Revenue stamps are very scarce - and these few stamps shown are simply meant to give the reader an overview of this interesting aspect of Danzig philately.

2.4 Shades of colours abound in Danzig Revenues.describing the stamps illustrated here I have used Stamp Colour Key” which names 200 colours,rather mentioned in the ERLER-NORTON catalogue which differently described.

2.5 Illustrations are all actual size.

3.Revenue stamps
3.1 Allgeeine Stempelmarken
— General Revenue stamps of Prussia and Germany with Danzig cancellations (Forerunners !)


Danzig Report   Nr. 70 - January - February - March - 1991, Page 6.

Hits: 2400

Added: 29/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
