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From the ARGE
In a recent ARGE Rundschreiben, Karl Kniep illustrated some plate varieties of the Pfennig values of the Freimarkenserie originating in 1924. Below are a few examples:

a. Michel #216 — 3 Pfg. Brown, Feld 92: Small white wedge top of 3 at lower left (not clear on print); indentation of oval lines under Danzig.
b. Feld_: Small white dot in top left 3; also known with paper watermarked swastikas (Wz.5).
c. Feld_: Break in oval line under Stadt.
d. Feld: Tiny brown dash between Da’nzig, vertical here.
e./f. Feld 92 on several sheets: This is NO Plattenfehier (plate flaw); distorting the 3 into a 5 is a Fremkörper, or foreign matter that affected the printing process.
g. Michel 194 — 10 Pfg. green, Feld_: Green triangular wedge in right frame.
h. Feld 10: Plate break - lower right corner.
i. Feld 11: Indentation at top left corner.
j. Feld _: Open horizontal line on upper cross.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 71 - April - May - June - 1991, Page 22.

Hits: 2313

Added: 30/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
