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Above Left: enlargement of Telegram No. 57, showing the new tape with the letters ansk is slightly narrower (B) than the old tape toiuhing at the left (A). No accent mark over n in Gda,isk. (Part of Rergirans - forwarding agent - on another tape.) Second vertical cut between s / k (C).

Above Right: detail of Telegram No. 26. A square has been removed from the right of the g, above the REC and below the 29, with another piece to fill the space, and a Telegram label on the back to cover the work.

Below: top section of Telegram No. 26, which appears to have been modified by paste-up and ink for the sole purpose of stealing from anzig collectors. The tape has again been shortened after the Gd of Gdynia, except that the forger has attempted to hide the cut by redrawing the letters and heavy red lines. The blue- crayoned address, 8ergenske/tangermarkt3/Gydaifsk, is also a total fabrication. How about the date of 28.9.39(!) It could have been a valuable piece - if authentic.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 87 - April - May - June - 1995, Page 30.

Hits: 1887

Added: 11/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
