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Artus: Out of the Ashes: 

About 70% of the 15th thru 19th interior decoration of the building has survived and is now on display. More work on the murals and wood detailing is yet to be completed, but the Poles hope to return King Arthur’s Court to its traditions as a meeting place for cultural, economic and political purposes. Below is a contemporary photo which depicts how the northeast corner of the main floor now appears. The newly-built oven and the wood statue of St.George and the dragon stand to the right of the balcony on which Hitler spoke on 19 September 1939.

Some notes from the brochure that was bought at the Artushof give an interesting insight into the tradition, which goes back to the Middle Ages and originates in the European chivalry ethos. Britain is known as the mother country of knights’ meetings at the Round Table. In 1344 King Edward III built a house in Windsor which servedthat purpose. Yet, the Society of the Round Table, created by Edward in 1348, rejected its links with King Arthur’s name and adopted St. Georg e’s patronage. The ideaof Arthur’s Courts had caught on at the Baltic Sea before it disappeared in Britain. There were seven buildings bearing King Art hur’s name, in Torun, Chelmno, Elbiag, Braniewo, Krolewiec, Riga and Danzig. In contrast to English courts, they were once residences of St.Georg e’s Brotherhoods, linking together Christian tradition with that of King Arthur’s.

7he vintage post card at the right, as well as those on Page 13, are from Ernie Solit. The commemorative card and the cover with special cancels are from , Aleksy Nowaczvnski. The special cancel commemorates the reopening on April 21, 1995. fifty years after the end of World War II. Ship models are now flying as they did many years ago. Only one moral has been completed, hut the main court is well north the trip. Something new: exhibits explained are in English.

Danzig Report   Nr. 89 - Oct - Nov - Dec - 1995, Page 12.


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Added: 12/07/2015
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