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Gallery » Danzig Report 93 - 1996 » Last Days of Peace and the DIRSCHAU BRIDGES


and other military supplies were arriving nightly at the docks and across the border with East Prussia. When the fighting began, Danzig was militarily prepared.

Map from 1939 propaganda book Peutschkmd md derKorridor showing bridge in Polish territory at Dirschau (Tzcew). Southern tip of Free City territory shows main rail line leaving Dirschau and running thrLl Marienburg, over the Nogat to Warsaw. The only bridge bet ween Marienwerder and the Baltic is at [)irschau; other crossings are by ferry. The race was on to secure or destroy this vital rail link. Note dikes on east side of river


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 93 - October - November - December - 1996, Page 19.

Hits: 2546

Added: 19/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
