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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » DLH Trans-Atlantic Airmail from Danzig


DLH Trans-Atlantic Airmail from Danzig
Jim Graue

The Deutsche Luflhansa was the primary international airmail carrier of trans-Atlantic airmail for most of the 1930s.

• North Atlantic
Catapult aimail flights were made (loin the North Gerniini liod liners firemen and Europa beginning in July 1929. This was a May — October seasonal service due to North Atlantic weather conditions. The service was discontinued at the end of the 1935 flight season, effectively replaced by the new Zeppelin airship 12-129 Hindenhur.

The DLH did conduct successful trial flights in 1936 through 1938 fm North Atlantic owTntions using flying boats and floatp)anes supported by catapult ships. It was not successful in securing landing rights in the United States for a scheduled service,

• South Atlantic
In February 1934, DLH inaugurated trans-South Atlantic ainnail flights using flying boats supported by a catapult ship, Initial biweekly flights alternated with the LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin to provide weekly airmail service, and at the end of the Zeppelin flight season in November the DLFI began weekly airplane flights, which, beginning in September, were supported by two catapult ships.

By mid-1935 the DLH system had proven to be markedly faster than the airship, and DLII took over the rights to the letter aiirnail service, Its flights were coordinated with those of Air France to yield twice-weekly aiimail service with South America. This service was continued until the advent of war at the end of August 1939.

Danzig Participation: North Atlantic Catapult flights


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 22.

Hits: 2478

Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
