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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » Dornier Do J Wal


Availability of Detailed information
Considerable detail on the individual flights of the DLII trans-Atlantic airmail services is available. This is particularly true of the South Atlantic service, where the original DLH flight data summaries have been resurrected Such detailed information can add considerably to the descriptions of individual items in a collection, exhibit, or article.

Requests for available details on specific items should be accompanied by photocopies (front and back) and sent 10: Jim Graue. Box 192, Vallevford WA 99036.

Role of the Flights in a Danzig Collection
The collection of either the North Atlantic catapult flights or the [)1Ji South Atlantic service are specialty areas in themselves. Iiiher provides the aerophilatelist with a rich and challenging collecting and research arena It is not possible to form a comprehensive showing of either subject by using limited origins and destinations, let alone one (e.g., Danzig).

What is essential for the Danzig specialist who is interested in collecting or exhibiting these flights is solid and accurate representation, lliis is founded not so much in numbers as it is in knowledge. Danzig’s participation in the Gennan catapult airmail services can be representatively shown with a few pieces. What is important is the correct information for the items shown. Do not guess at it, or make a general statement about how the system worked and hope that it applies to the item(s) shown. Specific accurate details on the route, times, and flight details for the piece(s) shown will indicate a level of knowledge and research that will be both satisfying and rewarding. Combine it with information on the level of Danzig participation.

Aspects of Danzig that are best known to the Danzig specialist, e.g., rates and the specific means of dispatch and carriage, can provide interesting detail that most aerophilatelists have either not yet considered or can only wish for. ‘I’hesc include mail closing times for connecting flights or trains, and the routes and means of connecting Danzig with the trans-Atlantic flight systems. This focus on Danzig and its specific relationship to the flights will greatly enrich a Danzig collection or exhibit using only a few representative pieces.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 27.

Hits: 2406

Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
