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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » AUCTION RULES (Continued) SELLER’S OBLIGATIONS


1. A 10% comission will be charged with a minimaxn of $0.25.

2. Lots mast be described In full by the seller, inchxftng catalog number & value (Michel preferred), condition, faults, reserve (mm. bid) if any. Lots should have a minimwn bid of $1.00 or greater.

3. Lots that were received too late for the current auclion will be processed for the next auction.

4. For the protection of the seller, all material should be submitted to the Auction Manager (Erik Nagel) via insured or registered mail. The Danzig Study Group wW not be responsible for any material not properly packaged or lost in mail.

5. Lots may be sent to the Auction Manager at any fine. These lots will be scheduled at the Auction Manager’s discretion. For a Large flumber of lots, correspondence is advised prior to sending.

6. Reserves are accepted but rnit be reasonable! The Auction Manager has the right to reject any lot due to reserve,

7. Settiemcnt will be made at the earliest possible time, normally four to six weeks to close an auction.

8. Unsold lots due to reserve or no bids wiLl be returned at settiernent. Postage and Insurance to return lots will be charged to the seller (debited from remittance or billed to seller). A minimum charge oE $1.50 will appp.

9. All profits from the auctions will be to the benefit of the Danzig Study Group.

10. The Auction Manager reserves the right to reject any Lot for any reason.

11. SubmittIng material to the Danzig Study Group Auction shall corItute acceptance of all conditions noted for both sellers and buyers.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 39.

Hits: 2373

Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
