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1937, 6 June. Air mail issue in block. Postage stamp exhibition DAPOSTA 1937 (6-8th June 1937). Printiig on block in gray ink. Designed by Lutcke; typography on dull yellow paper; watermark 3Y; comb perf 14.
Illustration ap) Junkers W—33 and Marienkirche Danzig

271.       50 Pfg..................ap
a. dark violet-blue
b. blue (shades)
Block 2 a with stamp No. 271a
Block 2 b with stamp No. 271b
Block 2a1: 7 in 1937 broken
Block 2b1: 7 in 1937 broIen
Block. 1 and 2 were sold until the 8th of June 1937. at post office was 1 Gulden for each. Special cancel from 6.6. until 6.8.37
Printed:   Block 2a: 70,000.              Block 2b: 265,000 blocks.

1937, 28 November. Commemorative stamps in block for the Danzig
Proficiency Display. No. 274 and 275 printed together with blue lettering
in same color as frame of No. 275. Printed on dull yellow paper.
Watermark 3X; comb perforation 14.
Illustration at)
Block 3 (146 x 105mm) Post office price: 1.50 Gulden Imperforated blocks are known. (Bl.3U). Color shades in stamps and inscriptions; also nearly white paper is known.
Block 3I: Right margin notched on No. 274
Sold from 28.11.37 until 4.12.37. On 5.12.37 a C.T.O. cancel was used. Sold on 28.11.37 only at the exhibition; from the 29th, generally sold for 1.50 Gulden with 85 Pfg. to aid the Danzig economy.
Printed: 100,000 blocks. Valid until 30.9.39

Official gray envelope with printed black insignia and typeface. Headquarters office is listed at 21 Jopengasse. Mailed to Lotzen East Prussia on 2 1.5.37.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 61 - October - November - December - 1988, Page 12.

Hits: 2420

Added: 26/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
