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Gallery » Danzig Report 82 - January, February, March 1994 » Port Gdañsk: INFORMATION DEVELOPED


This post office used various two-ring date stamps with bridge, and from 1939, new unification single-ring date stamps with “POLSKI URZAD POCZTOWY GDANSK 2”. This was the only office that was not reorganized nor changed.

This office also served as a base office for the following train post offices: *6 Strzebielino - Gdansk and return (#23 6), Kartuzy - Gdansk and return(#427) and from 1932, on the lengthened route: Koscierzyna - Gdansk (#431). Also, Danzig was the beginning or ending point for other train post offices, such as: Warsaw - Gdansk and return (#5), and (Hel) Puck - Gdansk and return (#503). Other train post offices passed through Danzig; for example, Luzino Tczew (#234) and Hel - Tczcw (#235).

On January 5, 1925, ten postal boxes were placed on various buildings in the port area and in the center of the city.

Post Office Gdansk N°. 2 began servicing several postal boxes close by with postal cancellations which began to appear on ordinary mail with postage stamps for regular mail to Poland, and these are not very rare.

On January 5, 1925, Polish Postal-Telegraphic Office Gdarsk 3 was opened at 2 Hevelius
Square, as a main sending and receiving office serving all customers in correspondence with Poland. With its opening, new stamps with PORT GDANSK overprinted were issued, and from February 1, 1934, postal cards were so-overprinted. Date stamps with POLSKI URZ.P.T. GDANSK Nr 3 were also used.

In all the three post offices in Danzig, the Polish postal rates were in use, with few changes. (Rates are in grosze, but actual charges for postage were paid in Danzig currency, with exchange rate of 1 Gulden = 1 Zloty.)

The introduction of Polish internal postal rates forced the Free City of Danzig Postal Adminis tration to lower their postal rates to Poland for letters, printed matter and parcels, from 20 pfennigs to 15 pfennigs. Before that, the postal rates were advantageous to the people of the Free City, especially to companies that dealt with Poland economically and that had huge mailings. This fact made the Polish post in the Free City very popular.

The Polish Post Office in Danzig used the same postal rates as those used internally in Poland, except that the postage could be paid in Polish currency as well as in the Danzig Guldens, at the rate of 1 Polish Zloty = 1 Danzig Gulden.

Mail with insufficient postage was subject to postage-due charges by the Polish post offices in Danzig, at the rate of two times the deficiency, evidenced by regular overprinted PORT GDANSK stamps.

The fmal reorganization of the postal offices in Gdansk occurred on August 1, 1926. The main sending/receiving office at 2 Heweliusz Square (former post office #3) was renamed Polish Postal and Telegraph Office #1, and the former Polish post office #1 was relocated to a new building at the Vistula harbor Danzig - Neufahrwasser (Gdansk Nowy Port), and was renamed Gdansk 3.


Danzig Report Nr. 82 - January - February - March - 1994, Page 8.

Hits: 3538

Added: 06/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
