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Gallery » Danzig Report 16 - October, November, December 1977 » RESOLVING THE POSTAL REGULATION PROBLEM


Another letter brought up some interesting points:
“...I feel that it is not in the best interest of the Society to publish incorrect information. We all make mistakes (at least I do) but we should have the courage to correct these mistakes when they are pointed out...”

We completely agree with this writer. Our objective has been to publish facts, backed up by officially printed information produced by postal authorities. On January 4, 1978, we were finally sent a reference as to where the correct information was published. Until the above date, we were told to publish retractions on the say—so of experts, who no doubt had the correct information. But suppose we were to print a correction of something that a person remembers from 42 years ago, and it turns out to be another erroneous explanation? All we asked was: “Is this your recollection or do you have an official document that settles the issue once and for all?”

Werner Bohne included in his recent letter:
“Let me again give you the correct interpretation of “20 P...”: This refers to “Einlieferungsgebühr” and not “Einlieferungsscheingebühr” as mentioned in Bulletin No. 13. The fee was payment for accepting registered letters after the windows at the post office were closed. In the larger post offices, one window was kept open after the closing hour of 18:00 (6:00 P.M.) for the express purpose of accepting this type of mail.

You may check this information by reference to the:
Danziger Postgebührenheft
Juni 1935
Page 31 -- Line 14
Elnileferung von Einschreibsendungen nach Schalterschluss 20 P”

The above was typed and ready for printing when we received a phone call from Col. Halle. He, too, was trying to solve the mystery of the rubber stamp, and he found a book compiled by Bugarz in 1927, entitled HANDWÖRTERBUCH DES POSTWESENS (Postal Affairs). The Handbook was blessed by the Director of Postal Ministry and a number of other official types who ran the Office. Neither word abbreviated “Einl.” was listed however, under “Service fees and charges” there were two (2) types listed:
1. Einlieferungsscheingebuehr = A postal receipt given for services rendered, not just for registration but for any class of mail.
2. Einlieferungsgebühr = A posting fee charged for extra services after business hours. According to the Handbook the fee was established in 1879 & no receipt was rendered.

If you have access to a reference library, please verify whether the above is correct. Perhaps we are getting to the definitive answer - that there were two words that were similar in makeup and that had closely related meanings.


Danzig Report  Nr. 16 – 4th Quarter 1977, Page 3.

Hits: 2959

Added: 05/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
