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Gallery » Danzig Report 6 - November, December 1975 » HOLLANDFAHRT - Flight to Holland


4) Mail is to be prepaid completely with the airmail stamps or regular postage stamps. Insufficient or incomplete postage will be returned to the sender.
5) Mail must bear the conspicuous note: “MIT LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN” and shall be sent to post office V.
6) The sender must enter his return address.

In the near future the following is planned:
1) From Friedrichshafen, a trip to Berlin by way of Silesia with a probable landing in Berlin.
2) From Friedrichshafen, a trip to Holland and return.
3) Later, perhaps, a trip to Roumania.

It is possible that the sequence of the trips as well as the planned route may be changed.

In Friedrichshafen, the airmail will be conveyed to the next flight which is about to take place. The D.R.P. teserves the right to deliver the mail with the airship to a landing place, dropping spot or to Friedrichshafen. Before delivery to the airship, the mail will receive a cancellation: “Mit Luftschiff GRAF ZEPPELIN befordert”.

During the flight, the airborne postal agency of the airship will accept airmail. These sendings will receive a posting cancel with the statement of place: “Mit Luftschiff GRAF ZEPPELIN befordert” and the imprint of a special cancellation.

The official gazette of the P.T.V. will publicize the individual trips with mail transport which will take place and which towns will be served with mail from the airship.

The decree of the P.T.V. was published in the official gazette on October 8th, 1929. The next trip of the LZ 127 was:

HOLLANDFAHRT (Flight to Holland)

Start:                                October 12, 1929 @ 23:20  o’clock Friedrichshafen
Landing:                         October 13, 1929 @ 18:50  o’clock              “
Duration of flight:      19 hours, 31 minutes.
Transported:                (Post closing in Danzig V - October 10, 1929) 10 letters, 6 cards.
Price:                                Card- 10 RM Letter- 25 RM

The exceptionally snail number of transported mail is due to the minimal space of time between the decree and the closing of the post. On October 13 at 12 Noon, the airship dropped the carried mail over the airport of Amsterdam. It carried the red 8 by 64 mm large with border line one-line cancellation: “Mit Luftschiff GRAF ZEPPELIN befordert”. Additionally, an arrival confirmation with a red Amsterdam cancel was used as follows (Propeller crossed with envelope)


The post office in Friedrichshafen had administered the mail with a cancel dated 13.10.29 12-1 forenoon, which was not quite right, since, as stated above, started on 12.10 right after 11 p.m.


Danzig Report  Nr. 6 – November - December - 1975, Page 12.

Hits: 1985

Added: 26/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
