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Gallery » Danzig Report 63 - April, May, June 1989 » The flight cancellation stamps


illustrated) from Posen with the black transit advice stamp “Danzig 5 Südstrecke” next to the customary red forwarding endorsement handstamp. Arrival in Danzig 13.5.1923. Similar cards appear in the Reich, see a card from Danzig of 1.9.1925 where instead of the forwarding endorsement handstamp the arrival handstamp “Berlin N W 40” is found.[This appears to be a reference to the card from Zoppot dated 9.9.25 illustrated opposite page 7 of the original].

A special case was introduced in Marienburg on the occasion of the first flight.

The flight cancellation stamps
Danzig hd two kinds of handstamps in normal use. The first is a three- line handstamp in “Grotesque” script

“Flugbeförderung                         [“Air forwarding
unterbl ieben                                  discontinued
Postamt 5 Danzig (Bhf)”             Danzig 5 Post Office (Railway Station)”]

This handstamp appeared from March 1927 and has been recorded up to 30.10.1933. The stamp colour is normally red violet, although there is an instance of use in 1927 of the colour blue violet.

The inscription was changed in the second handstamp which is now in “Gothic” script:

“Flugbeförderung                                 [“Air forwarding
unterbi ieben                                         discontinued
Zw. Postamt Danzig 5 (Bhf.)”          via Danzig 5 Post Office (Railway Station)”]

This handstamp first appeared from 7.10,1939 and has hitherto been recorded with a latest date of use of 15.8.1940. Also here the stamp colour is red violet, but occasionally at the end of 1939, violet.

Both handstamps are very rare and the scarcer of the two is the later used one.

There often appear on a sendings from Danzig a flight interruption handstamp from Berlin. This refers to the three—line stamp in black

“Beförderung mit Flugzeug unterblieben                 [“Forwarding by aeroplane
Flug nicht durchgefiihrt                                                     discontinued/ Flight not achieved
Berlin C Briefpostamt.”                                                      Berlin C Letter post Office”]

It is most often met with on sendings, which should have been forwarded on beyond Berlin. But it is also found on sendings to Berlin, when especially in the early years transmission by rail was used in the event of flight cancellations. Danzig had its own corresponding stamp from March 1927.

Of special interest when found on sendings from Danzig are two particular flight cancellation handstamps. and these were applied in wholly distinct circumstances. These are as described below:


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 63 - April - May - June - 1989, Page 15.

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Added: 27/06/2015
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