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Gallery » Danzig Report 63 - April, May, June 1989 » Slogan cancellations advertising airmail


a)  On sendings which were to have been dispatched on the German flight on 1.5.1937 of the airship Hindenburg, but which, because of the cancellation of the flight, were initially forwarded on the first North American flight and were dropped over Cologne. The red four—line rectangular handstamp has the following text in “Gothic” script

“Wegen Ausfalls der               [Due to the cancellation of the
Deutschlandfahrt                   flight to Germany
Postabwurf bei                       postal drop by
Nordamerikafahrt.”              North American trip. “]

This is the North American flight that so tragically ended on 3.5.1937 with the complete destruction of the airship at Lakehurst.

b)  Cancellation handstamp because of the cancellation of the last Zeppelin trip that was planned for 26.8.1939 to Königsberg, but which was held back because of the threat of war. To distinguish post that was not flown a three—line handstamp in red was applied

“Wegen Ausfalls der Fahrt auf                          [“Due to the cancellation of the trip
gewöhnlichem Wege befördert                       forwarded by ordinary routes
Bahnpostamt 19 Frankfurt (Main)”               Railway Post Office 19 Frankfurt (Main)”)

c)  Passing mention should also be made of a further stamp which can be seen on airmail sendings from Danzig, which should have been forwarded via Königsberg on to the East (Memel, the Baltic States etc.), but which could not find a connection. These sendings received in addition to the two-line airmail forwarding endorsement handstamp of Königsberg, a black rectangular handstamp with the legend

“Mit Zug weiterbefördern              [“Forwarded on by train
Königsberg Pr.1”                                Königsberg Province 1”]

d)  Finally one can find on sendings from Danzig handstamps referring to the cancellation of catapult flights from the steamers “Europa” and “Bremen”.

Slogan cancellations advertising airmail
I. Danzig 5

1) Slogan to the left, datestamp in the middle and 7 wavy lines to the left. Diameter of the datestamp = 21.5mm. hour designation under the date. Danzig * 5 *, broad 5. Recorded use 21.5.1929 to 14.8.1929.
2) Datestamp to the left Danzig S 5 5, broad 5, distance between D and G14.5mm, slogan to the right. Recorded use 21.8.1929 to 23.2.1933.
3) As before. figure 3 rounded at the top, distance between D and G12.5mm. Recorded use 2.1.1939 to 30.11.1939.
4) Datestamp to the left, diameter 21mm, Danzig * 5 b, narrow, tall 5, slogan to the right. Recorded use 7.11.1931 to 21.4.1939.
5) Local stamp as double—circle stamp, diameter 27.5mm, Danzig 5 above, 7-pointed star below. Slogan to the left. Local stamp to the right. Recorded use 14.10.1935 to 23.3.1942.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 63 - April - May - June - 1989, Page 16.

Hits: 2288

Added: 27/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
