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Freie Stadt Tokyo?

Our Danzig Super Sleuth from Cape Cod, Ernie Solit, keeps coming up with the unusual items. How about this one - a card showing the Langenmarkt from the Green Gate — but printed in Japan, with a Japanese caption. Ernie had translated the writing on the face of the card as follows:
“City of Danzig, Population 150,000, Facing east to Danzig bay, Strongly fortified fort along the vistula river. Gained independence from France in 1813 and became a free city. In the middle of this busy commercial center is the Stock Exchange. On the right is City Hall.”
Ernie says that you will notice, like most Japanese translat ions (or directions), something is amiss. Since no autos appear in the photo, it is assumed that the date is pre—1900, although the card may have been printed a few years later.


Danzig Report  Nr. 78 - January - February - March - 1993, Page 3.

Hits: 2484

Added: 03/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
