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DANZIG REPORT  -  -  No. 86

Editor: John H. Bloecher, 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, MD. 21207-5230 USA

Post Office Expedite Labels
If you are under the influence of a brain that thinks linearly, you may have a bit of a problem with the actions of the Danzig Post Office in the 1930s, when the special delivery/express/expedite labels were in use. As seen on the Condor cover below, the 1” high x 1-3/8” wide white label with six lines of Germ an type was applied after the letter was received at Danzig 1. The flight time from the Buenos Aires takeoff on 14 August, 1935 to the landing in Danzig on 19 August measures five days. Someone at the Danzig 1 post office determined that the letter was of greater-than-usual importance and applied the white label. A special delivery messenger ran the letter to Frieda Florian at Hakelwerk 12 and requested that she pay the extra fee for making delivery the same day as it was received at the post office. However, Frau Florian refused to pay the extra fee and the letter was returned to the post office for the next regular delivery.

Most of the philatelists who hear the story shake their heads and wonder how this could be. But is there a better solution to the labels? (See Page 3)


Danzig Report  Nr. 86 - January - February - March - 1995, Page 1.

Hits: 2535

Added: 10/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
