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Gallery » Danzig Report 86 - January, February, March 1995 » Hindenburg flights to Danzig


In this Report:

Post Office Expedite Labels; On Hindenburg flights to Danzig ............................. Pages 1, 3-11
Whiteside answers Queries re: Prussian Cover Symbols; 1732 letter compilation .......... 12-13
Santa Solit’s Spill - Fold-out Giuss aus postcard ..................................................................... 14
Cumulative INDEX for Reports 1 thru 85 ............................................................................. 15-23

Activities in 1995

We wish you all a great year in 1995, especially Eddie Kraus, who is recovering from heart surg ery. This “minor” distraction didn’t keep Eddie from sending us a batch of copies of his Prussian covers, with explanations of their meanings. This will be sorted out and printd in our next Report, which will be delivered to the Arge’s annual meeting at Hamm Pelkum, on May 20th. (Yes, Karl, we’ll be there again!) We look forward to seeing many of our old friends at that time.

From Hamm-Pelkum, we plan to fly to Gdansk and complete some studies and to photograph areas that hadn’t been covered before. Hopefully, the old courts, Senate, and Stutthof will be on the agenda. Word has it that a wedding of two Danzig researchers will occur in May. Sounds interesting.

Ewa Panas’ well-researched article on the siege of the Polish Post Office on 1.9.39 will also be ready for the next Report, as well as more color photos of stamps and scenes of Danzig.

Role of Honor - Twenty Years with Danzig

It’s hard to believe, but 20 years have flown by since we reactivated the Danzig Study Group in 1975! Since some of you were there at the launching and have stuck with us (thru thick and thin - there have been some tough times) even until today, we wish to honor the following for their loyalty!!:

• Jim Bowman
• Bud Hennig
• John Koveiski
• Alfred Kugel
• Gene Marshall                        
A BIG thanks to ALL !
• Erik Nagel
• Lou Ricker
• Dave Scheiber
• Herb Sears
• Keith Stupell


Danzig Report  Nr. 86 - January - February - March - 1995, Page 2.

Hits: 2776

Added: 10/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
