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Gallery » Danzig Report 90 - January, February, March 1996 » Early Censorship in Danzig - 1939, by Curt Hosny


Another “last day” cover from Danzig to Aalborg. Denmark, correctly franked and cancelled on 30.9.39, the I..etzttagsporto (last day of use). Front contains Zulassungsrnarke: Von der Wehrmacht zugelassen, and circular Priifstempel (censor’s mark. showing office location, Konigsberg (Pr.), today the Russian town called Kalliningrad, in the former Ost PreuBen).

Illustration 5: Cover to Aalborg, Denmark, on 30.9.39, correctly franked and cancelled with slogan: Gib auf Deinen/ Briefsendungen/den Absender an (Type 9-with 6-pointed star).

Illustration 6: Back of 30.9.39 Aalborg cover; typical of hand-cut tape still in use. Handstamp: Auslandsnachrichten- prufstelle Konigsberb(Pr.)


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 90 - January - February - March - 1996,  Page 23.

Hits: 2136

Added: 12/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
