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Gallery » Danzig Report 90 - January, February, March 1996 » Early Censorship in Danzig - 1939, by Curt Hosny


The last example is a cover with German overprints on Danzig stamps, known as the Abschiecf Serie, or “Farewell Series”. On the back is a censor tape that is much shorter than the tapes on the previous mail. Perhaps conservation of material was the motivation.

Illustration 7: Registered cover to a firm in Aalborg, Denmark, correctly franked with Deutsches Reich oveiprints. The series of stamps is referred to as the Danzig Farewell Series. No Danzig stamps were allowed in use after 30.9.39.This corer was mailed on the 9th of October and received in Aslborg on the 13th. Overprinted Danzig stamps were valid until 31.12.1940.

Illustration 8: Back of cover with Aalborg receiving stamp, short censor tape and typical censor rubber stanups. Auslandsnachrichtenprufstellen Konigsberg (Pr.) handstamp in circle.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 90 - January - February - March - 1996,  Page 24.

Hits: 2203

Added: 12/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
