Views of the Upland Gate and near-by Buildings
Two views of the Western Ramparts during their demolition of both the Mediaeval and the more modern fortifications at the western end of the Langgasse. Photos were taken at the turn of the turn of the 19th to the 20th centuries, to suit the needs of a developing, modern city. (Above & Below)
Large earth-moving projects were undertaken as the citizens of Danzig began feelingselfsufficient and able to defend themselves. Therefore, the defensive mounds and moats were declared obsolete and slated for removal.
A page in the next issue (DR-161) concerns a short biography of Grand Admiral Doenitz, and a description of the ‘Hela Peninsula U-boat stamps’. These were designated for DR-l56, but failed to make the deadline. Send in your thoughts & copies on any of these subjects for inclusion in DR-161! Thanks.
Danzig Report Nr. 160 - 2nd Quarter 2013, Page 15.
Hits: 2924
Added: 13/08/2015
Copyright: 2024