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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » Danzig and the WHW

Danzig and the WHW

Winterhilfswerk was introduced into Danig soon after (loebbels announced the charity to the main ifeiniat. Below is a list of stamps issued in Danzig with the WHW surcharge:

The FIRST set of Winterhilfswerk stamps in I)an,ig were overprinted definitives, as shown on Page 3. They were valid until 15 May. 1935.

SECOND setof WHW stamps, Mi. #256. 257, 258, issued on 16 December 1935. Valid until 31.5.36.


Danzig Report  Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 13.

Hits: 2693

Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
