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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » Danzig and the WHW

> Danzig and the WHW

THIRD Set of Danzig WHW stamps on cover to 1.odz. Poland. from Langfuhr. 31.12.36. lllustrated on the stamps. Mi.#262-266 are: 10+5 Pfg. Milchkannenturm (1517-1519); 15+5 Pfg. Frauentor (1482); 25+10 P1 g. Krantor( 1443): 40+20 Pfg. Langgarten (1628); and blue 50+20 Pfg. Hohes Tor(1588).

FOURTH Set of Danzig WIIW stamps. Mi.#270-280. Illustrated are: 5+5 Pfg. Madonna (Artushof); 10+5 Pfg. Merkur (Artushof); 15+5 Pfg. Der Goldene Kerl (Rathausturm); 25+10 Pfg.Neprunbrunnen: 40+25 Pfg. St. Georg.


Danzig Report  Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 14.

Hits: 2629

Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
