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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » DLH Transatlantic flights


Cancelled North Atlantic Catapult flight: Biemen to New York
Fig. 11
-AirmaIl Danzig - Berlin, train to Bremerhaven. Ship departed 14 May Catapult fhght scheduled 18/19 May (dependent s..pon weather canceled due to engine trouble. The catapult flight cachet had at readbj been applied to a small port of the mail. “Flight Cancelled” cachet added. 10 DanzIg pieces were accepted.

DLH South Atlantic Service: Germany to Brazil, 10-12 Dcc 1936
Figure 12 - Airmail Danzig Berlin - Frankfurt. Depart Frankfurt lODecember at 0445, to Marseiile Lisbon Las Polnics- Bathurst. Dornier JO-ton Wot Mistral catapult launched from &thurst on 11 December at 1721 (after 15-hour delay at Bathurst), arrived Natal 12 December at 0936. Total time: Frankfurt - Natal = 52:51. Airmail to But nos Aires arrived 13 December, 1936, at 1919 hours.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 32.

Hits: 2347

Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
