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Gallery » Danzig Report 106 - 2000 » DLH Transatlantic flights


DLH South Atlantic Service: Germanyto Brazil, 16-17 June 1938
Figure 13 - Airmail Danzig. Berth- Frankfurt. Depart Frankfurt 15 June at 0439, to Marse We Lisbon Las Patinas - Bothurst. Dornler 18 Pampero catapult -launched from 8t hurst oti 17 June at 024), arrived Natal 1634. Total time, Frankfurt - Natal = 35:55. Airmail to &senosAfres arrived 19 June at 2035.

DLH South Atlantic Service: Germany to Brazil, 22-26 Sept.1934
Figure 14- Airmail Danzig - Berlin - Stuttgart (special connection flight). Deport Stuttgart on 22 Sept., to SevIUe- Las Patinas- &thurst. Support ship SchwabenLand from Bathurst on 24 Sept. (depart 17W). Dornier 10-ton Wal Taifun catapult- launched on 26 Sept. at 0507 from mid-ocean (position 8:57N -21:24W) for flight to Natal, arrived 1752. Total time Stuttgart - Natal • 105:52. Afrmaf I to Rio, arrived 27 Sept at 1927 hours.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 106 - January - February - March - 2000, Page 33.

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Added: 27/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
