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Von Tyne nach Mottlau
What is the first thing that •one does upon receiving an invitation to attend Germania Posta XI in Newcastle am Tyne and not be sure of the language or dialect spoken by the natives? We opted for cramming on Benny Hill. reruns and a Fawlty Towers Film Festival, and what a mistake that was! Arriving at London Gatwick two hours later than scheduled, we desperately tried to communicate with whoever could point us toward the Dan Air Service desk. A young lady at one counter said a few sentences in some strange jargon, and we tried to follow her pointing finger to somewhere across the terminal. Did you know that at Gatwick, there are 200,000 people pushing 210,000 luggage carts (trolleys, they call them) around one large area, in both clockwise and counter—clockwise directions? That’s a pretty amazing fact, but even more so was the fact that our Dan Air flight hadn’t left us behind — it was three hours late. The reason for the delay was that the plane had to make an unscheduled landing somewhere in England due to a shortage of fuel. With this information to bouy our spirits, we took off for Newcastle.

The plane actually landed at the correct airport, and we had to consult our little dictionary again to find out where the cabs congregated. (One point means on this side of the road; two thrusts of the pointer must mean on the other. All this takes place with strange gurgling and whistling sounds that run up and down the scales.) Imagine our surprise, after encountering more incoherent Englishmen, that we found Pat Rothnje speaking the same language as my wife’s grandmother from West Virginia With Pat as our interpreter, there wasn’t another problem all week, even wi th the Lord Mayor.

There is no kidding about the marvelous grnup of workers from the rank and file of t.he Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society who worked like heavers to set up and then dismantle the exhibition and bourse. Members of our GPS were surprised at the efficjenc’ and effort that were expended by so few to produce Such fine results. With only 600 members, the Society produccd a 42-page catalog with Outstanding articles, such as Laridpost. (Rural Mail) Postmarks and study group news. Most unusual was the Judges’ Report which (are you ready for this?) included a critique of this show — not one from last year! The banquet was excellent, culminating with singers and dancers from Northumberland. The Chairman of Judges, A. Ronald Butler, FRPsL, RDP, Past President of the Royal Phjlat,eljc Soiety, presented his report, leaving everyone in the aisles laughing.

A feeling of versjnijljt.ude prevailed at the business meeting, which could be a GPS meeting, exept for Will Payne’s running around selling lO—penny chances on the pool . The question is:  flow many minutes do you bet that the meeting will last?

Photos — upper group: Burt Miller; Pat Rothnie (on left); Giles du Boulay.
Lower: Editor & Burt; John Whiteside with Ronny van Waardhujzen.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 61 - October - November - December - 1988, Page 16.

Hits: 2403

Added: 26/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
