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After the general meeting, Pat had made arrangements to allow some of those wi t.h the Danzig Syndrome to meet and to show some material . Bud Hennig was already represented in the Court of honor, and Ronnie van Waardhuizen showed his fantastic Zuruck cover collection at the exhibition, so Giles du Boulay set up his covers and expi a ned their secrets. lie also broiigh t along the first draft of his Danzig Revenue hook with almost all of I he stamps ii I ust.rat.ed. This is an ongoing project for 01 les, arid we will publish a few of the preliminary pages and invite hose who have revenues to cont act. him in this work. We were able to distribute some enlarged pages of Bud’s early airmail essays and hand proofs. Burt Mi Her was to add Ii is t’xjiert ise t.o I he I)anzi g Experience; we had much to learn from hhii atid all the others. (Seems that this trip, inchiding the Be) g i urn rind German phases, was I ike a graduate course in Danzig ph i lately. Too had I hat. we di dii ‘ t taice more , phot os and t ape record i rigs. ) New fr I ends (and new members) ma(ie at the m’c?t.i1ig include David Kerr, David Wilkinson and Nicholas Cooke. is” I e nine I.ri ii I 1 , ii nd i4ha I a t.h ,‘ I I I to meet w i t. h members such as Pa I , 0 i I es , I?nuu,iy , and John Whites ide , who rna(Ie a hreak I rom his busy schedule to spend a few hours discussing Danzig. .Iohn has sent us a copy of special Prussian postal rates, which will aid us in future studies of that era.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 61 - October - November - December - 1988, Page 17.

Hits: 2385

Added: 26/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
